Kingwood Houston bathroom remodel

Tips into Getting the Most Out Of Your Bathroom Remodel in Kingwood Area Houston, TX

Many things are to be considered during bathroom remodeling. You mustn’t miss a step if you really want to achieve better remodeling results.

If you’ve been looking at doing a bathroom remodel in Kingwood Area – Houston, TX, highlighted below are top factors to take into consideration:

#1. Have an analysis of the cost.

It’s advisable that you have a budget for your bathroom remodel. You can hire the services of a professional to get an estimated cost.  Let the expert know what your expectations are, and the amount you are willing to spend on the remodeling project.  With this in place, the remodeling expert can give you the summary of the costs.  The important components that should not be missed in your budgetary estimate are Design Services, Demolition, Framing, Drywall, Shower Glass, Mirrors, Trim, Paint, Fixtures, Cabinetry, Flooring, and Countertops.

#2. Focus more on improvements.

If you know that all of your request or requirements cannot fit in your budget, make sure you prioritize the most significant improvements that you want to feature in the remodeled bathroom.  You can include other features after the areas have been sufficiently covered.  The best alternative to take in situations like this is the work in progress as opposed to an all-or-nothing project.  For example, broken fixtures should be attended first before considering other elements.

Wondering where to start with your bathroom remodel in Kingwood, TX? The LaRocque Group has your back.  With a host of excellent renovation sources, you’ll have access to compelling and insightful ideas to help you achieve your remodeling dreams.


Continue to check out @LaRocqueGroup on Facebook for tips on how to choose materials for your remodel or reach out to us to start your project. We can’t wait to hear from you!